Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sonoma Valley Weddings: Watch out! Here comes the photo brigade!

As a wedding photographer in Sonoma, I have noticed an ever increasing photo brigade that follows me around when I am setting up for shots of the bridal party and the wedding ceremony. This “photo brigade” consists of well-meaning guests with all levels of photography equipment ranging from cell phones to high-end cameras.

Professional photographers have an unspoken code of etiquette that we never interfere with another photographer's shot. But wedding guests...that is another story.

What to do? The issue is this: when there are multiple photographers shooting the same group of people at the same time, it is impossible for the professional photographer to create an image where everyone in the shot is looking in the same direction towards the camera. That direct eye contact from those in the picture can make or break a shot.

Encouraging the photo brigade to shoot first, I tell them to “Just go at it and have a good time!” Then I insist that everyone has to step aside and let me do my work. Everyone enjoys themselves (which is the whole point of a wedding) and......... I get my shots.

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